Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has long been friendly to medical marijuana.

In fact, he’s the co-sponsor of an important piece of legislation that bears his name: the Hinchey-Rohrabacher medical marijuana amendment stops the federal government from spending money to enforce federal laws in legal medical marijuana states. He’s also a supporter of legalizing recreational marijuana in California.

Even with all this, Rohrabacher’s public declaration that he’s a medical marijuana patient absolutely stunned the activists at a NORML gathering in Washington DC.

According to Russ Belville, Congressman Rohrabacher said that he’s had severe arthritis pain in his shoulder due to many decades of surfing. Just like many other people, he went to a hempfest in San Bernadino and found relief from a topical product containing cannabis…no smoking required.

This is big. It’s the first time since Ronald Reagan was in office that a sitting U.S. Congressperson has admitted to using marijuana. And Congressman Rohrabacher is not just saying he smoked pot as a college student; he’s talking about using medical marijuana legally now as a California patient…just like I (and possibly you) do. And he’s a Republican, which just shows that pain and suffering, as well as compassion, knows no political boundaries.

Source: The 420 Times
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