Janie and her family’s lives were forever changed in 2013, after noticing changes to her daughter, Rylie’s face, a tumor was discovered aggressively eating away the left side of her face and palate.
After hearing this devastating news, Janie dove into research. She could not deny giving Rylie the best outcome if it was a possibility.
After seeing remarkable results, Janie single handedly fought for Delaware to have a pediatric medical marijuana law and for it’s pediatric medical card holders to be allowed to have their cannabis oil on school property. Both of these laws, Rylie’s Law and SB181, passed with unanimous votes, which is unprecedented. Janie continues to this day to stay extremely active as a policy advisor, speaker, educator and consultant in pediatric medical cannabis in the hopes of giving families better options they may not have had before.
The family’s amazing story and advocacy work has been featured on many numerous News Channels, Talk Shows, The Medical Cannabis Report and in Beach Life Magazine. Janie’s daughter, Rylie, has followed in her foot steps by creating her own 501(c)3 at the age of 9, Rylie’s Smile foundation, which helps children with life threatening illnesses escape from their realities by giving them iPod Touches to relieve stress in the hospital and also contributes to pediatric medical research.

Policy Advisor, Speaker, Educator, and Consultant