Residual Limb Pain

Residual Limb Pain, sometimes called stump pain, is a type of pain felt in the part of a limb that remains after an amputation.

Post-concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion Syndrome, occurs when concussion symptoms last beyond the expected recovery period after the initial injury. These symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, and problems with [...]

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys, causing your kidneys to enlarge and lose function over time.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand.


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time.

Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid dependence causes withdrawal symptoms, which makes it difficult to stop taking them. Opioid Use Disorder occurs when dependence interferes with daily life.


Neuropathies, a result of damage to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in your hands and feet. It can also affect other areas of [...]


Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue. These tumors can develop anywhere in your nervous system, including your brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Neuro-Behcet’s Autoimmune Disease

Neuro-Behcet’s Autoimmune Disease is a rare disorder that causes blood vessel inflammation throughout your body. The disease can lead to numerous signs and symptoms, which include mouth sores, [...]